Material for MkDocs Insiders¶
4.53.16 March 13, 2025¶
- Fixed #8019: Tooltips have precedence over instant previews
4.53.15 January 15, 2025¶
- Fixed #7896: Scoped tags listings not rendering in subsections
4.53.14 September 29, 2024¶
- Fixed #7567: Empty headlines when using typeset plugin with anchorlinks
4.53.13 September 14, 2024¶
- Fixed #7520: Social plugin errors for generated files (MkDocs 1.6+)
4.53.12 August 2, 2024¶
- Fixed #7410: Instant previews jump on content tabs with anchor links
- Fixed #7408: Instant previews jump on content tabs
4.53.11 May 27, 2024¶
- Fixed projects plugin crashing when serving before building subprojects
4.53.10 May 20, 2024¶
- Fixed projects plugin crashing in serve mode when disabled
- Fixed projects plugin crashing when building nested projects
4.53.9 May 20, 2024¶
- Fixed #7191: Tags listings not rendering when
is changed
4.53.8 April 26, 2024¶
- Fixed #7052: Preview extension automatically including all pages
- Fixed #7051: Instant previews mounting on footnote references
- Fixed #5165: Improved tooltips not mounting in sidebar for typeset plugin
4.53.7 April 25, 2024¶
- Fixed #7060: Incorrect resolution of translation when using static-i18n
4.53.6 April 5, 2024¶
- Ensure working directory is set for projects when using projects plugin
- Fixed #6970: Incorrect relative paths in git submodules with projects plugin
4.53.5 April 2, 2024¶
- Fixed social plugin crashing when no colors are specified in palettes
4.53.4 March 31, 2024¶
- Fixed #6973: Escaping issue in tags extra files deprecation helper
4.53.3 March 23, 2024¶
- Added support for font variants in social plugin
- Improved resilience of font resolution in social plugin
- Fixed tag listing sometimes not being auto-populated
- Fixed tag listing scope not being correctly resolved
- Fixed #6941: Meta plugin adding duplicate entries
- Fixed #6928: Social plugin crashes for some fonts
4.53.2 March 18, 2024¶
- Fixed abort on first non-matching configuration in preview extension
- Fixed #6914: Meta files take precedence over front matter
4.53.1 March 6, 2024¶
- Fixed #6877: Projects plugin computes incorrect path to assets
- Fixed #6869: Blog plugin should emit warning on invalid related link
4.53.0 February 24, 2024¶
- Added support for automatic instant previews
- Added support for pinned blog posts
4.52.3 February 21, 2024¶
- Fixed resolution of URLs in instant previews
- Fixed instant previews not mounting for same-page links
4.52.2 February 7, 2024¶
- Fixed #6735: Instant previews misplaced when below tabs
4.52.1 January 30, 2024¶
- Fixed #6705: Navigation path not being hidden when specified
- Fixed #6703: New tags plugin crashes on Windows (2nd attempt)
4.52.0 January 28, 2024¶
- Added support for instant previews
- Fixed footnote tooltips positioning edge cases
- Fixed #6703: New tags plugin crashes on Windows
4.51.0 January 24, 2024¶
- Added support for footnote tooltips
4.50.0 January 19, 2024¶
- Added configurable logging capabilities to privacy plugin
4.49.2 January 9, 2024¶
- Fixed missing attribute lists extension for tags plugin
- Fixed #6627: New tags plugin crashes on Python 3.8
4.49.1 January 7, 2024¶
- Improved interop of new tags plugin with other plugins
- Fixed #6594: Tags plugin doesn't work with mkdocs-macros plugin
- Fixed #6569: Social plugin crashes if in different file system location
4.49.0 December 29, 2023¶
- Added support for exporting tags and mappings
- Added support for disabling tags and/or listings or both
- Fixed tag links from pages to listings on homepage
4.48.0 December 23, 2023¶
- Rewrite of tags plugin, now much more powerful
- Added support for nested tags (tag hierarchies, e.g. foo/bar)
- Added support for shadow tags (by list, prefix or suffix)
- Added support for custom tag layouts and templates
- Added support for hiding tags in table of contents
- Added support for configurable inline tag listings
- Added support for automatically linking to closest tag listing
- Added support for scoped listings (limit to subsection of site)
- Added support for multiple instances of tags plugin
- Added support for changing front matter property and template variable
- Added support for tag slugification format strings
- Fixed #6510: Projects plugin out of memory on Linux (4.47.1 regression)
- Fixed projects plugin not notifying plugins about serve mode
- Fixed projects plugin skipping projects on prefix match
- Deprecated tags_file and tags_extra_files settings
- Modernized tags plugin code base
4.47.1 December 11, 2023¶
- Improved editing experience for projects plugin
- Improved resilience of optimize and social plugin
- Fixed race condition when writing manifest in optimize and social plugin
- Fixed #6475: Logo not taking precedence over icon in social card
- Fixed #6399: Projects plugin doesn't pick up added/removed projects
- Fixed #6306: Projects plugin cache not correctly updated
4.47.0 December 8, 2023¶
- Added support for staying on page when switching languages
- Added configurable logging capabilities to projects plugin
- Removed temporary warning on blog plugin authors file format change
- Fixed projects plugin logging messages twice on Linux systems
- Fixed projects plugin trying to hoist theme assets of divergent themes
- Fixed compatibility of optimize plugin and projects plugin
- Fixed compatibility of social plugin and projects plugin
- Fixed #6448: Code line selection broken for code blocks with custom ids
- Fixed #6437: Projects plugin crashing for certain site URL configurations
- Fixed #6414: Projects plugin doesn't prefix messages coming from projects
4.46.0 November 26, 2023¶
- Added support for author profiles in blog plugin
- Fixed custom index pages yielding two navigation items (4.45.0 regression)
4.45.0 November 24, 2023¶
- Added support for sorting blog categories by post count or custom function
- Improved tags plugin to generate Unicode-aware slugs by default
- Fixed non-deterministic order of multiple authors in blog plugin
4.44.0 November 23, 2023¶
- Added pagination settings for archive pages in blog plugin
- Added pagination settings for category pages in blog plugin
4.43.1 November 19, 2023¶
- Added third-party theme support in projects plugin, improving editing
- Fixed #6360: Projects plugin crashes when theme is not Material for MkDocs
- Fixed #6306: Projects plugin not reloading nested project configuration
4.43.0 November 5, 2023¶
- Added support for GitLab committers (document contributors)
- Fixed #6264: Fixed compatibility with Python < 3.10
- Fixed #6254: Meta plugin not applying meta files to blog posts
4.42.3 October 27, 2023¶
- Fixed #6251: Cards in grids cut off on very small screens
- Fixed #6241: Using social plugin + static-i18n plugin errors
4.42.2 October 14, 2023¶
- Fixed #6186: Privacy plugin ignores hash fragments on images
- Fixed #6180: Projects plugin crashing when adding or removing files
4.42.1 October 5, 2023¶
- Fixed spacing of related links in blog posts on small screens
4.42.0 September 19, 2023¶
- Added support for using git submodules in projects plugin
- Added support for transforming project configurations
- Improved resilience of optimize and blog plugin
- Fixed optimize plugin crashing on
extension - Fixed project URLs not using site URLs in projects plugin
4.41.0 September 11, 2023¶
- Improved multi-instance support for optimize plugin
- Added inclusion and exclusion patterns for optimize plugin
- Added transparent keyword for color handling in social plugin
- Changed default quality of PNGs to 3 in optimize plugin
- Fixed #5979: meta file not detected in root of docs directory
4.40.4 September 4, 2023¶
- Fixed privacy plugin choking on boolean HTML5 attributes
- Fixed wrapping of inline code blocks in typeset table of contents
- Fixed blog plugin error when running under dirty reload
4.40.3 September 2, 2023¶
- Fixed #5946: Docker image missing pngquant for optimize plugin
4.40.2 August 31, 2023¶
- Added configurable error handling capabilities for social plugin
- Fixed #5922: Blog plugin shows no posts when building a standalone blog
- Fixed #5914: Tags plugin tags_extra_files errors (4.39.3 regression)
- Fixed #5904: Blog plugin sometimes excludes files (4.40.1 regression)
4.40.1 August 27, 2023¶
- Fixed #5902: ResizeObserver polyfill not detected by privacy plugin
- Fixed empty category pages in blog plugin (4.40.0 regression)
4.40.0 August 26, 2023¶
- Added logo, title and description options to social plugin default layouts
- Fixed privacy plugin compatibility issue with Python < 3.10
- Fixed #5896: Blog plugin errors when using custom index pages
4.39.3 August 24, 2023¶
- Fixed lxml dependency missing in Docker container (4.39.2 regression)
4.39.2 August 23, 2023¶
- Fixed color palette toggle being reversed (9.2.0 regression)
4.39.1 August 21, 2023¶
- Fixed git diff in tags plugin after merging back 9.2.0 changes
4.39.0 August 3, 2023¶
- Added support for hoisting theme media files when building projects
- Added support for sorting pages on tags index for tags plugin
- Added support for adding date of last update to blog posts
- Fixed #5797: Parse error in typeset plugin (4.38.1 regression)
4.38.1 August 1, 2023¶
- Improved nested serve mode for projects plugin
- Improved compat in privacy plugin with third-party plugins
- Fixed #5790: Typeset plugin ignores data-toc-label attribute
- Fixed #5778: Interplay of privacy plugin with git-revision-date-localized
- Fixed #5773: Info plugin erroring when community edition is in beta
4.38.0 July 29, 2023¶
- Added projects plugin for building nested projects
- Updated privacy plugin to new MkDocs API
4.37.1 July 28, 2023¶
- Updated MkDocs to 1.5.1
- Fixed deprecation warning in social plugin due to MkDocs upgrade
- Fixed #5772: Privacy plugin fails due to API change in MkDocs
4.37.0 July 7, 2023¶
- Added support for overriding social cards settings per page
- Added new social card
layout - Improved resilience of optimize and social plugin
- Fixed rendering bugs for pruned navigation items
- Fixed jumping of content tabs anchor links when instant loading is enabled
- Fixed #5676: Optimize plugin doesn't check for
4.36.1 June 23, 2023¶
- Fixed #5618: Date comparison breaking for drafts in blog plugin
4.36.0 June 15, 2023¶
- Added support for instant prefetching to speed up slow connections
- Improved stability of anchor link removal in built-in typeset plugin
- Improved performance of regular expressions in typeset plugin
- Removed unnecessary import test for
in optimize plugin - Fixed #5590: Regular expression for anchor link removal too greedy
4.35.3 June 1, 2023¶
- Fixed #5579: Abbreviations in headlines filtered by typeset plugin
4.35.2 May 29, 2023¶
- Fixed #5555: Blog plugin crashes when computing readtime for emojis
4.35.1 May 20, 2023¶
- Fixed internal handling of errors in social plugin
4.35.0 May 20, 2023¶
- Improve editing experience and stability of social plugin
- Added support for custom layout syntax validation in social plugin
- Added support for layer origin for easier placement in social plugin
- Added support for in- and exclusion patterns in social plugin
- Catch and print syntax errors in custom layouts
4.34.1 May 16, 2023¶
- Disable social plugin debug mode by default on mkdocs build
- Added warning in social plugin debug mode when font style couldn't be found
- Set default concurrency of built-in multi-threaded plugins to CPUs - 1
- Fixed #5521: Social plugin triggers race condition when downloading fonts
- Fixed #5515: Social plugin crashes when concurrency is set to 1
4.34.0 May 14, 2023¶
- Added support for new overflow mode to auto-fit text in social plugin
- Reduced subtle rendering bugs in (code) annotations due to subpixel rounding
- Improved print styles for (code) annotation lists
- Improved performance of social plugin, now 3x as fast
- Improved interop of typeset plugin with MkDocstrings
- Fixed logo location for variants of default template in social plugin
- Fixed #5446: Built-in typeset plugin picks up headings in code blocks
4.33.2 May 12, 2023¶
- Fixed #5508: Social plugin crashes trying to copy cards on Docker/Windows
- Fixed #5507: Social plugin crashes on serve when layouts folder doesn't exist
- Fixed #5505: Social plugin trying to resolve logo in wrong location
- Fixed #5496: Annotations with nested lists incorrectly mounted
- Fixed #5493: Social plugin crashes on Python 3.8
4.33.1 May 9, 2023¶
- Added support for SVG background images in social plugin
4.33.0 May 8, 2023¶
- Added support for custom layouts for social plugin
- Added support for background images for social cards
4.32.6 April 22, 2023¶
- Fixed #5336: Interplay of blog plugin with git-revision-date-localized
4.32.5 April 7, 2023¶
- Fixed #5322: Navigation tabs hoist nested page icons
4.32.4 March 24, 2023¶
- Fixed #5241: Built-in typeset plugin jams navigation for anchors in headings
4.32.3 March 9, 2023¶
- Fixed Docker image release workflow (9.1.0 regression)
- Fixed #5159: Missing underline for abbreviations (9.1.0 regression)
4.32.2 February 23, 2023¶
- Fixed #5127: Privacy plugin not handling large number of occurrences
- Fixed #5126: Privacy plugin breaks when replacing specific emojis
4.32.1 February 23, 2023¶
- Fixed code block spans interfering with copying
- Fixed #5077: Privacy plugin breaks image
text encoding - Fixed #5079: Privacy plugin removing
on external links
4.32.0 February 19, 2023¶
- Added support for custom selectors for code annotations
- Added support for code line range selection for better sharing
4.31.0 February 18, 2023¶
- Added support for table of contents on blog index and archive pages
- Fixed #4512: Allow custom search field boosts (experimental)
4.30.2 February 13, 2023¶
- Fixed privacy plugin excludes not working (4.30.0 regression)
4.30.1 February 12, 2023¶
- Fixed privacy plugin not handling static templates (e.g.
4.30.0 February 6, 2023¶
- Rewrite of privacy plugin for concurrency, now twice as fast
- Added support for explicit inclusion for privacy plugin
- Added optimization support for privacy plugin (+ optimize plugin)
4.29.0 January 21, 2023¶
- Added built-in optimize plugin for automatically compressing images
- Switched reporting in built-in privacy plugin to
4.28.1 January 17, 2023¶
- Fixed built-in info plugin erroring for Insiders on version check
- Fixed #4865: Navigation paths render bug when there's no top-level section
- Fixed #4875: Added support for hiding navigation paths
- Improved navigation path to not render for a single item
4.28.0 January 14, 2023¶
- Added support for navigation path (breadcrumbs)
4.27.1 December 20, 2022¶
- Fixed rendering of succeeding navigation items in typeset plugin
- Fixed #4795: Built-in typeset plugin changes MkDocs' title precedence
- Fixed #4724: Blog plugin not rendering integrate table of contents
4.27.0 December 20, 2022¶
- Added built-in typeset plugin to preserve formatting in sidebars
- Added URL and table of contents support for blog categories
4.26.6 November 28, 2022¶
- Fixed #4683: Tags plugin crashes when a tag is empty
4.26.5 November 27, 2022¶
- Fixed #4632: Post excerpt title link doesn't point to top of the page
4.26.4 November 27, 2022¶
- Fixed redundant file extension when using privacy plugin
4.26.3 November 15, 2022¶
- Fixed #4637: Attachments w/o titles in related links error in blog plugin
- Fixed #4631: Remote favicons not downloaded and inlined by privacy plugin
4.26.2 November 3, 2022¶
- Updated MkDocs to 1.4.2
- Added support for tag compare functions when sorting on index pages
- Fixed footnotes being rendered in post excerpts without separators
- Fixed error in blog plugin when
extension is not enabled - Fixed issues with invalid asset paths and linked post titles
- Fixed #4572: Privacy plugin fails when symlinks cannot be created
- Fixed #4545: Blog plugin doesn't automatically link headline to post
- Fixed #4542: Blog plugin doesn't allow for multiple instances
- Fixed #4532: Blog plugin doesn't allow for mixed use of date and datetime
4.26.1 October 22, 2022¶
- Improved reporting of configuration errors in tags plugin
- Fixed #4515: Privacy plugin fails when site URL is not defined
- Fixed #4514: Privacy plugin doesn't fetch Google fonts (4.26.0 regression)
4.26.0 October 18, 2022¶
- Refactored privacy plugin to prepare for new features
- Added support for
links in privacy plugin - Resolve encoding issues with blog and privacy plugin
4.25.5 October 16, 2022¶
- Updated MkDocs to 1.4.1
- Added namespace prefix to built-in plugins
- Updated
4.25.4 October 9, 2022¶
- Fixed other path issues for standalone blogs (4.24.2 regression)
4.25.3 October 9, 2022¶
- Fixed #4457: Posts not collected for standalone blog (4.24.2 regression)
4.25.2 October 4, 2022¶
- Fixed #4452: Blog and tags plugin crash when specifying slugify function
4.25.1 October 3, 2022¶
- Updated
to fix MkDocs compat errors
4.25.0 October 2, 2022¶
- Added support for navigation subtitles
- Added support for defining an allow list for built-in tags plugin
- Added support for custom slugify functions for built-in tags plugin
- Improved stability of search plugin when using
4.24.2 October 1, 2022¶
- Updated MkDocs to 1.4
- Fixed compatibility issues with MkDocs 1.4
- Fixed incorrectly generated paths in privacy plugin
- Fixed blog index page not showing navigation when using meta plugin
4.24.1 September 30, 2022¶
- Fixed #4430: build error when enabling consent without repository URL
4.24.0 September 27, 2022¶
- Added support for custom content on index pages (blog)
- Added support for keeping content on paginated index pages (blog)
- Added support for limiting categories in post excerpts (blog)
- Added support for simple override of templates via front matter (blog)
- Added icon in navigation for pages with encrypted content
- Fixed #4396: Front matter of index pages not inherited by pagination (blog)
- Improved performance by building post excerpts once (blog)
4.23.6 September 22, 2022¶
- Fixed #4389: Blog posts in first week of year in wrong archive
- Fixed (= switched) footer previous and next links for blog posts
4.23.5 September 18, 2022¶
- Fixed #4367: Improved blog plugin date handling for MultiMarkdown syntax
- Fixed #4374: Fixed invalid URLs of related links to other blog posts
4.23.4 September 14, 2022¶
- Fixed #4365: Recursion error in blog plugin due to
- Fixed path errors for blog plugin on Windows
- Fixed publishing workflow in forked repositories
4.23.3 September 13, 2022¶
- Fixed previous and next page links for drafts of blog posts
4.23.2 September 13, 2022¶
- Fixed #4348: Blog plugin crashes on custom
title - Fixed blog plugin crashing when category contained only drafts
- Fixed rendering of content from blog index file
4.23.1 September 12, 2022¶
- Fixed #4345: Blog plugin errors with default settings
4.23.0 September 12, 2022¶
- Added blogging support via built-in blog plugin
4.22.1 September 7, 2022¶
- Fixed #4217: Tooltips in data tables render in wrong position
4.22.0 August 21, 2022¶
- Added support for navigation status
4.21.1 August 13, 2022¶
- Fixed #4176: Broken image when avatar is served by Gravatar
- Fixed #4212: Deferred search initialization for file:// locations
4.21.0 July 17, 2022¶
- Added meta plugin: set front matter for all pages in a folder
- Fixed #4114: Tags plugin fails if only
is set
4.20.1 July 11, 2022¶
- Fixed #4105: Tags plugin fails if
is not set (4.20.0 regression)
4.20.0 July 7, 2022¶
- Added support for additional tags indexes
- Fixed #4100: Tag icons not shown in tags index
4.19.2 July 4, 2022¶
- Fixed #4051: Privacy plugin fails if symlinking isn't allowed on Windows
4.19.1 June 25, 2022¶
- Added
to Dockerfile - Added
to Dockerfile
4.19.0 June 24, 2022¶
- Added support for document contributors
- Updated French translations for cookie consent
4.18.2 June 16, 2022¶
- Fixed #4026: Fixed tooltips not mounted for nested navigation links
4.18.1 June 14, 2022¶
- Fixed #3990: Chinese search highlighting not working on non-boundaries
4.18.0 June 11, 2022¶
- Added support for automatic dark/light mode
- Fixed #4009: Privacy plugin uses invalid paths for file cache on Windows
4.17.2 June 5, 2022¶
- Added support for custom jieba dictionaries (Chinese search)
4.17.1 June 5, 2022¶
- Added support for cookie consent reject button
- Added support for cookie consent custom button ordering
- Fixed #3988: Content tab not focused after alternating anchor links
4.17.0 June 4, 2022¶
- Added support for content tabs anchor links (deep linking)
- Fixed #3975: Detect composition events in search interface (Chinese)
- Fixed #3980: Search plugin doesn't use title set via front matter
4.16.2 May 29, 2022¶
- Fixed #3961: Nested sections triggered build error for navigation tabs
4.16.1 May 28, 2022¶
- Switched feedback widget rating titles to tooltips
- Improved contrast of link colors for light/dark color schemes
- Fixed #3950: Sticky navigation tabs rendering broken (4.15.2 regression)
- Fixed #3958: Links invisible when using
primary color
4.16.0 May 25, 2022¶
- Added support for navigation pruning
- Fixed search results for non-segmented characters (4.15.2 regression)
4.15.2 May 22, 2022¶
- Removed workaround for
on touch devices (superseded by tooltips) - Fixed #3915: Improved Chinese search query segmentation
- Fixed #3938: Fixed tooltips position for navigation titles with ellipsis
4.15.1 May 14, 2022¶
- Improved performance of element focus observables
- Fixed #3531: Added prev/next buttons to content tabs
- Fixed tooltip positioning when host element is hidden
4.15.0 May 8, 2022¶
- Added support for improved tooltips
- Fixed #3785: Show tooltip on hover for overflowing navigation link
4.14.0 May 5, 2022¶
- Added Chinese language support to built-in search plugin
- Fixed all-numeric page titles raising error in social plugin
4.13.2 April 30, 2022¶
- Improved caching of downloaded resources in privacy plugin
- Fixed #3851: External images not downloaded by privacy plugin
4.13.1 April 25, 2022¶
- Fixed #3839: Tags plugin breaks without icons (4.13.0 regression)
4.13.0 April 24, 2022¶
- Added support for tag icons
4.12.0 March 27, 2022¶
- Added support for card grids and grid layouts
- Fixed #3685: Annotations sometimes broken when using instant loading
- Fixed #3742: Automatically add Mermaid.js when building for offline usage
4.11.0 March 6, 2022¶
- Added support for excluding external assets from privacy plugin
4.10.1 March 2, 2022¶
- Added missing build dependencies to Dockerfile
- Fixed encoding issues in privacy plugin, now forcing UTF-8 encoding
- Fixed #3624: Scroll to active navigation item unreliable in Firefox
- Fixed #3642: Privacy plugin errors when font setting was omitted
4.10.0 February 27, 2022¶
- Added support for offline plugin (supersedes offline search support)
- Improved built-in privacy plugin to download nested JavaScript assets
- Refactored configuration of built-in privacy plugin
4.9.1 February 21, 2022¶
- Fixed #3610: missing
dependency for privacy plugin - Fixed error when charset is missing in
4.9.0 February 20, 2022¶
- Added privacy plugin: automatic downloading of external assets
4.8.3 February 13, 2022¶
- Fixed #3560: Mermaid diagrams don't render for
4.8.2 February 10, 2022¶
- Fixed #3559: Mermaid diagrams don't render inside closed
4.8.1 February 6, 2022¶
- Fixed jump back to top on mobile when using anchor following
4.8.0 February 6, 2022¶
- Added support for anchor following table of contents (= auto scroll)
4.7.2 February 2, 2022¶
- Fixed #3526: Transparent sidebar title due to Safari bug
- Fixed #3528: Firefox sometimes clips text in flow chart diagrams
4.7.1 January 30, 2022¶
- Fixed #3506: Tags index not respecting title set via front matter
4.7.0 January 25, 2022¶
- Added native support for offline search
4.6.1 January 16, 2022¶
- Fixed #3459: Section index pages picking up wrong title
4.6.0 January 11, 2022¶
- Added support for annotations (outside of code blocks)
4.5.2 January 8, 2022¶
- Fixed #3440: Content tab indicator not moving when using linking
- Fixed #3445: Content tab switch flickers/jitters when using linking
4.5.1 January 2, 2022¶
- Added support for setting initial state of cookie consent
- Fixed #3396: Disappearing link in navigation due to Safari bug
4.5.0 December 16, 2021¶
- Added support for navigation icons
4.4.0 December 10, 2021¶
- Added support for code annotation anchor links (deep linking)
- Added new code annotation syntax modifier to strip comment
- Updated German translations for cookie consent
4.3.0 December 5, 2021¶
- Added support for custom fonts in social cards
- Fixed #3300: Announcement bar reappearing when using instant loading
4.2.0 December 2, 2021¶
- Added support for dismissible announcement bar
- Added support for named placeholders in feedback widget
4.1.0 November 30, 2021¶
- Added support for passing page title to feedback forms
4.0.0 November 28, 2021¶
- Removed deprecated content tabs legacy implementation
- Removed deprecated
admonition type - Removed deprecated
setting (unsupported by MkDocs) - Removed deprecated prebuilt search index support
- Removed deprecated web app manifest – use customization
- Removed
variable – use newcopyright
partial - Removed Disqus integration – use customization
- Switched to
selectors for simple selector lists - Switched autoprefixer from
last 4 years
tolast 2 years
- Improved CSS overall to match modern standards
- Improved CSS variable semantics for fonts
- Improved extensibility by restructuring partials
- Improved handling of
when printing - Improved keyboard navigation for footnotes
- Fixed #3214: Search highlighting breaks site when empty
3.2.3 November 20, 2021¶
- Updated Swedish and French translations
- Removed support for
class (now.mermaid
) - Fixed #3202: Cookie consent not dismissable on
locations - Fixed #3216: Cookie consent not dismissed when invoked via anchor
- Fixed #3232: Mermaid.js sometimes runs twice (race condition)
3.2.2 November 6, 2021¶
- Fixed always last feedback rating being sent
- Fixed #3145: Code annotations eat whole comment lines
- Fixed #3170: Feedback widget doesn't send data to GA4
3.2.1 November 4, 2021¶
- Added support for custom Mermaid.js version via additional JavaScript
- Fixed some configuration edge cases for tags plugin (3.1.5 regression)
- Fixed feedback widget title not being centered in Firefox
- Fixed #3179: Safari doesn't send request for feedback widget
3.2.0 October 31, 2021¶
- Added support for feedback widget (Was this page helpful?)
3.1.5 October 28, 2021¶
- Fixed #3144: Rogue link when using tags with auto-populated navigation
- Fixed #3147: Code block line numbers appear in search results
- Fixed #3158: Social cards do not strip HTML tags from title
3.1.4 October 17, 2021¶
- Fixed #2974: Text cropped with other fonts than
in social plugin - Fixed #3099: Encoding problems with non-latin character in social plugin
- Fixed #3112: Japanese segmenter not executed as part of new tokenizer
- Fixed tags (front matter) appearing in search with disabled tags plugin
3.1.3 October 12, 2021¶
- Added warnings to search plugin for unsupported options and syntax
- Fixed #3503: Search sometimes returns entire page
- Fixed #3089: Single-line code annotations disappear when printing
3.1.2 October 6, 2021¶
- Fixed incorrect path separators for social cards on Windows
3.1.1 September 26, 2021¶
- Fixed ordering bug in search exclusion logic
3.1.0 September 26, 2021¶
- Added support for excluding pages, sections, and elements from search
- Fixed #2803: Code block annotations not visible when printing
3.0.1 September 19, 2021¶
- Added support for using literal
tags for search plugin - Fixed search plugin breaking on void elements without slashes
- Fixed search plugin filtering link contents from headlines
- Fixed search plugin handling of multiple
headlines - Fixed search plugin handling of missing
3.0.0 September 13, 2021¶
- Rewrite of MkDocs' search plugin
- Added support for rich search previews
- Added support for tokenizer with lookahead
- Improved search indexing performance (twice as fast)
- Improved search highlighting
2.13.3 September 1, 2021¶
- Added support for disabling social card generation
2.13.2 August 25, 2021¶
- Fixed #2965: Social plugin error when primary color is not defined
2.13.1 August 21, 2021¶
2.13.0 August 7, 2021¶
- Added support for custom colors in social cards
2.12.2 August 4, 2021¶
- Fixed #2891: Division by zero error in social plugin
2.12.1 July 26, 2021¶
- Fixed error in social plugin when
was not set - Fixed error in social plugin for non-ASCII characters
2.12.0 July 25, 2021¶
- Added support for social cards
2.11.1 July 20, 2021¶
- Fixed order of tags index, now sorted alphabetically
2.11.0 July 18, 2021¶
- Improved Mermaid.js integration, now stable
- Added support for sequence diagrams
- Added support for entity relationship diagrams
- Added support for cookie consent configuration
- Added feature flag to always enable annotations
2.10.0 July 10, 2021¶
- Added support for cookie consent
- Fixed #2807: Back-to-top button not hidden when using sticky tabs
2.9.2 May 30, 2021¶
- Moved tags to partial for easier customization
- Added support for hiding tags on any page
2.9.1 May 24, 2021¶
- Added missing guard for linking of content tabs
2.9.0 May 23, 2021¶
- Added support for linking of content tabs
2.8.0 May 12, 2021¶
- Added support for boosting pages in search
2.7.2 May 8, 2021¶
- Fixed #2638: Warnings shown when using
plugin without directory URLs
2.7.1 May 3, 2021¶
- Fixed
plugin integration (2.7.0 regression)
2.7.0 May 1, 2021¶
- Added support for tags (with search integration)
2.6.0 April 11, 2021¶
- Stay on page when switching versions
2.5.0 March 28, 2021¶
- Added support for version warning
2.4.0 March 20, 2021¶
- Added support for custom admonition icons
- Fixed #2444: Code block annotations with extra comments have wrong index
2.3.1 March 14, 2021¶
- Fixed anchor offset for permalinks when using sticky navigation tabs
2.3.0 March 13, 2021¶
- Added support for back-to-top button
2.2.1 March 4, 2021¶
- Fixed #2382: Repository stats failing when no release tag is present
2.2.0 February 28, 2021¶
- Added support for code block annotations
2.1.0 February 26, 2021¶
- Added support for anchor tracking
2.0.0 February 24, 2021¶
- Migrated Insiders to the new architecture
- Swapped color palette toggle configuration
1.17.0 January 31, 2021¶
- Added support for section index pages
1.16.1 January 26, 2021¶
- Fixed #2249: Instant loading + sticky tabs result in invalid links
- Fixed #2248: Search highlighting URL parameter always added
- Fixed #2235: Version selector doesn't select current version for aliases
1.16.0 January 7, 2021¶
- Added latest release to repository info (GitHub)
- Slight facelift of repository info (lighter fonts, spacing and icons)
1.15.0 January 2, 2021¶
- Added support for native Mermaid.js integration
1.14.0 December 30, 2020¶
- Added support for sharing searches
1.13.2 December 22, 2020¶
- Fixed version selector + sticky tabs navigation rendering issues
- Fixed version selector wrapping
1.13.1 December 20, 2020¶
- Removed horizontal scrollbars on language and version selector
- Fixed type conversion in JavaScript config
1.13.0 December 13, 2020¶
- Refactored navigation tabs to simplify grouping behavior
- Added support for sticky navigation tabs
- Added support for arbitrary links in navigation tabs
- Fixed #2098: Subsequent active subsection not highlighted correctly
1.12.1 December 8, 2020¶
- Fixed empty language selector being shown
1.12.0 December 6, 2020¶
- Added support for adding a language selector
1.11.2 November 29, 2020¶
- Fixed #2068: Search highlight interprets code blocks as JavaScript
1.11.1 November 29, 2020¶
- Refactored styling to be more stable and easier to adjust
- Fixed some styling regressions from latest features
1.11.0 November 22, 2020¶
- Added support for rendering admonitions as inline blocks
1.10.0 November 15, 2020¶
- Added support for integrating table of contents into navigation
1.9.0 November 7, 2020¶
- Added support for hiding navigation and table of contents on any page
- Removed autohiding table of contents when empty
1.8.0 November 1, 2020¶
- Added support for navigation sections
- Fixed appearance of inactive search suggestions
1.7.0 October 25, 2020¶
- Added support for deploying multiple versions
- Fixed alignment of sidebar when content area is too small
1.6.0 October 11, 2020¶
- Added support for search suggestions to save keystrokes
- Added support for removing Made with Material for MkDocs from footer
- Fixed #1915: search should go to first result by pressing Enter
1.5.1 September 21, 2020¶
- Fixed content area stretching to whole width for long code blocks
1.5.0 September 19, 2020¶
- Added support for autohiding table of contents when empty
1.4.1 September 6, 2020¶
- Improved typeahead and search result relevance and scoring
1.4.0 August 30, 2020¶
- Added support for autohiding header on scroll
1.3.0 August 26, 2020¶
- Added support for user-selectable color palettes
1.2.0 August 11, 2020¶
- Added feature to expand navigation by default
1.1.0 August 3, 2020¶
- Added highlighting of search results
1.0.0 July 14, 2020¶
- Added grouping of search results
- Added missing query terms to search result
- Improved search result relevance and scoring