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Working with messages


As Protocol Buffers is a data interchange format, messages and message types are at the very core of protobluff. Message types are logically grouped together and described in a .proto schema file in a language-neutral format. From this schema file, protobluff generates bindings for the C language, so that wire-encoded messages of the respective type can be easily processed, omitting the necessity for manual parsing like it is with schema-less message formats. However, protobluff does not generate structs from Protocol Buffers definitions like most of the implementations for the C language do, but rather descriptors that are used to dynamically alter messages.

Defining a message type

Protocol Buffers message definitions are written in a declarative language. For further explanations, we'll use the basic example from the Protocol Buffers Developer Guide that defines a simple message with information about a person in a file called person.proto:

message Person {
  message PhoneNumber {
    enum PhoneType {
      MOBILE = 0;
      HOME = 1;
      WORK = 2;
    required string number = 1;
    optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];
  required string name = 1;
  required int32 id = 2;
  optional string email = 3;
  repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;

After defining the message type, the required bindings must be generated. The code generator can be invoked with the following command:

protoc --protobluff_out=. person.proto

This will generate two files, namely person.pb.h and person.pb.c in the directory specified for the --protobluff_out flag. The header file must be included in the parts of the application where the bindings are used, the source file must be compiled with the application. Furthermore, the protobluff runtime must be linked against the application. See the notes on choosing a runtime for further details on how to link protobluff.

The resulting bindings in person.pb.h will contain bindings for the lite and full runtime that are defined as inline functions using the low-level interface and look like this (excerpt):

/* Person : create */
PB_INLINE pb_message_t
person_create(pb_journal_t *journal) {
  return pb_message_create(&person_descriptor, journal);

/* Person : destroy */
person_destroy(pb_message_t *message) {
  assert(pb_message_descriptor(message) == &person_descriptor);
  return pb_message_destroy(message);

/* : get */
PB_INLINE pb_error_t
person_get_name(pb_message_t *message, pb_string_t *value) {
  assert(pb_message_descriptor(message) == &person_descriptor);
  return pb_message_get(message, 1, value);

/* : put */
PB_INLINE pb_error_t
person_put_name(pb_message_t *message, const pb_string_t *value) {
  assert(pb_message_descriptor(message) == &person_descriptor);
  return pb_message_put(message, 1, value);

Why inline functions? Because there's no overhead when compiling the program, as all function calls are only thin wrappers around the low-level interface of protobluff. While in development mode descriptors are checked with assertions for the correct type, code for production should be compiled with the flag -DNDEBUG, which will remove all assertions.

Creating a message

Using the full runtime, a message can easily be created with a valid journal:

pb_message_t person = person_create(&journal);
if (!pb_message_valid(&person)) {
  /* Error creating person message */

Reading from a message

To read the value of a field, the generated accessors can be used:

pb_string_t name;
if (person_get_name(&person, &name)) {
  /* Error reading name from person message */

Reading values from a message is only allowed for non-repeated scalar types. Messages need to be accessed through pb_message_create_within, repeated fields must be accessed through cursors – see the documentation on repeated fields for more information.

If the message doesn't contain a value for the respective field and no default value is set, the function will return PB_ERROR_ABSENT.

Writing to a message

Writing a value to a field is equally straight forward:

pb_string_t name = pb_string_init("John Doe");
if (person_put_name(&person, &name)) {
  /* Error writing name to person message */

Writing a value or submessage to a message is translated into a low-level call of pb_message_put which allows all Protocol Buffer types to be written. However, writing a repeated field or submessage will always create (append) a new instance. If a specific instance should be updated, cursors must be used. Again, see the documentation on repeated fields for more information.

Erasing from a message

Erasing a field can be done with:

if (person_erase_name(&person)) {
  /* Error erasing name from person message */

Erasing a field or submessage from a message is an idempotent operation, regardless of whether the field existed or not. Erasing a repeated field or submessage will always erase all occurrences. In order to erase specific occurrences of a field, a cursor must be used.

Freeing a message

Burn after reading -- though messages don't perform any dynamic allocations, it is recommended to destroy them after use:


This will keep your application future-proof.

Dumping a message

For debugging purposes, messages can be dumped to inspect the underlying wire format:


This will write something like the following to the terminal, denoting the content and offsets of a message within the context of other messages:

   0  offset start
  73  offset end
  73  length
----  ---------------------------------------  -------------------
   0   10   8  74 111 104 110  32  68 111 101  . . J o h n   D o e
  10   16 210   9  26  16 106 100 111 101  64  . . . . . j d o e @
  20  101 120  97 109 112 108 101  46  99 111  e x a m p l e . c o
  30  109  34  19  10  15  43  49  45  53  52  m " . . . + 1 - 5 4
  40   49  45  55  53  52  45  51  48  49  48  1 - 7 5 4 - 3 0 1 0
  50   16   1  34  19  10  15  43  49  45  53  . . " . . . + 1 - 5
  60   52  49  45  50  57  51  45  56  50  50  4 1 - 2 9 3 - 8 2 2
  70   56  16   0                              8 . .

Error handling

All functions and macros that create new structures or alter the contents of messages and return the type pb_error_t should be checked for errors. See the section on error handling for a detailed description and semantics of all possible errors.